Our minds on media.

Musings on the effects of media on cognition.

Only the Lottery Will Bring Meaning to Your Mundane Existence

Over at Steve Silvers Strategic Communications Blog, he’s posted a great example of condescending advertising (my favorite kind!). This one’s for the Colorado state lottery, too, which makes all the more irritating because goading people into gambling seems like a particularly vile activity. It makes me think, too, though, that most of these state lotteries use the money for education and yet I’ve never seen one commercial tout that fact. It’s such an easy pitch. If you win the lottery, you win, but if you lose, the kids win. You’re essentially making a donation to public schools—the tickets should say thank you! I suppose the state governments and their advertisers don’t think that the general putrid horde of slobbering reprobates will see any value in such an approach.

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