Our minds on media.

Musings on the effects of media on cognition.

The Obamamercial

To continue the trend of writing about election week media here at Banapana, i’d thought I’d make a note about the “Obamamercial,” the 30 minute informercial that candidate Barrack Obama aired tonight at 8pm Eastern. So far, around the web I’ve seen a lot of people talking about how they felt that the production values were good. Perhaps that may seem like an odd point to use to enforce the idea that Senator Obama would make a great President, but I really think it speaks volumes about a man who knows how to delegate power and knows who to trust to get the job done well. As I pointed out in a post about campaign branding the kind of design work you see coming out of a campaign does a lot more than tell you if the person in charge has taste. It tells you whether they are smart enough to not interfere with the work of the professionals that they hire to get the job done. Whether it’s the creatives he’s chosen to work with or just how totally, unbelievably thorough the campaign was in designing graphics for every necessary instance, the Obama campaign’s media strategy can tell you a lot about what Obama’s team knows about strategy and just how good they are at it. I think the production values of this “Obamamercial” just give greater weight to the point that Obama knows how to tap good, talented, smart people and he knows how to manage them cohesively. For all the rhetoric about policy decisions and political stances, I don’t think anything can tell you more about the potential for an executive team then how they’ve run the campaign. Obama’s team is good. Vote for them. Vote for Obama.

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